Thursday, March 31, 2011

Color Movement

The size of "Color Movement" is 10 x 10. I have been doing a lot of computer manipulation of photos recently and decided to go with this for my March challenge. The design started from a photo of one of my quilts. I used the distort filter and worked with it until I came up with this design.

I had to print it on two sheets of fabric to get it the size I wanted. I then sewed them together. I really like the ways the colors moved across the area thus, the name
Color Movement.

Would really appreciate comments.


  1. Nice piece! It very definitely says "Movement" to me. The colors look like they want to jump right off the edge of the page.

  2. The distortion of the colors show rhythm and flow. The colors show harmony too.
    Interesting concept, not a kaleidescope, but similar in ways.
    It looks like the piece was spinning and the colors moved out from the center.
    Thank you for participating and sharing this technique with us.

  3. Very interesting shapes you achieved with the distortion. I especially love the splash of orange and green on the upper right...would like to see a bit more saturated color mixed in.
    Wonderful piece

  4. Nice job everything flows, colors and shapes. You did an awesome job on the quilting and the details. Lov it

  5. O-o-oh! I like htis. Very innovative. It's nice ot see something more unique in a challenge. Well done!
    Pat F in Winnipeg

  6. Thanks all for you comments I'm really enjoying this computer manipulation.

  7. Really cool! I wouldn't have thought of using computer manipulation. It does just splash across.

    I'm wondering though, what would it be like if you used some stronger colors in the center?

    Lisa Quintana

  8. I really like the way you have incorporated computer manipulation. Yes, I agree that you have successfully portrayed movement. I would also like to see some more saturated colors to balance the orange and green in the upper right. Overall its a very striking piece.


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