Thursday, March 31, 2011

Paint Flight

12" X 12"

My inspiration was the dance of paint droplets as they are adding texture to a painting.
Using analogous and visual complimentary colors, the hands and brushes were fused onto a piece of silk that was painted using ink, water and salt. The edges were hastily zig zagged so this could be completed. This is not a great technique for silk, I discovered.
Thanks for another interesting challenge. Comments welcome.


  1. Such a fun, visually exciting piece that definitely has movement.
    I really like the touch of orange. Good job!

  2. I agree the orange adds interest and "zing" to this piece. It took me a minute to see the three different hands each holding a brush. Once I saw it it became obvious.
    Or it could also be one hand like a time lapse photo, painting three different colors. Open to our own interpretation.

    The trim works well for the paint droplets and adds lots of color.

  3. It might be fun to add some real paint droplets now!
    Nice work

  4. This is a colorful fun piece. The hands are so interesting. Great job

  5. Boy! I didn't see the hands either! Maybe if you outlined in a black or some more contrasty color it might bring them out more.

    I must say when I first looked at it, I liked the colors, but I didn't understand the "blobs" (hands). I know that sounds harsh, but this is a GREAT piece when you read your comment and hit the enlarge feature and finally SEE the hands.I'd like to see that part pulled out a bit more...

    Love the color and the use of the fancy yarns. Your layout is great too!

    Lisa Quintana


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