Monday, March 28, 2011

Dancing Octopus

20" X 24"

My first thought of DANCE was an octopus. It's a fascinating creature to watch it's kaleidoscopic movements around the coral.

This piece is fused with a blanket stitch outline. I wish I hadn't done the blanket stitch or perhaps I should have used a more neutral thread color. Background fabric is snow dyed.

Comments greatly appreciated and welcomed.



  1. I like the twisty tentacles; they really seem to be moving! The blanket stitch doesn't bother me at all, though; it gives a defining outline for the octopus.

  2. I love the movement you achieved with those tentacles. I agree with Tobi in that the blanket stitch helps to define him.

  3. What a fun concept...dancing octopus :-) They make a square dance and don't even need a partner...LOLHe (or she?) is adorable!

  4. The twisted tentacles, as well as the quilting lines, do a great job of showing movement in this piece. This octopus looks like he/she is having a great time "dancing the night away."


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