Sunday, March 27, 2011


Joy is 13 x 11 inches. It is fused so I guess that fusing is my most fun thing. I am in the middle of getting ready for our Guild's challenge. I finished my entries but now must curate the show with a friend.

I made Joy this morning rapidly so I would have something. I think it needs something else to show better movement so please comment. I need to learn.

I think I do better when I don't have anything in my head and just start ...

The dance figures are left over from one of my challenge pieces and I will post it after the opening of our show and I get back from two weeks in warm Arizona.

Comments really needed.


  1. This is super fun and shows great movement. I might just add some quilting lines to emphasize the movement.

  2. Just what I was going to say. I think the leaves could stand more quilting lines that follow the shape of the leaf,

  3. I love the dancers, I'd like to see what else you're doing with them. I think the others are right about adding some quilting lines.

  4. A fun piece! Other than quilting lines for movement what about some thin ribbons flowing fro their hands?

  5. What a fun piece Carol. It puts me in mind of a surfig beach party...I can almost hear the Reggae, LOL

  6. Good choice of bright, cheery colors for this piece. I agree with the others that some echo lines around the dancers would add more movement and "vibration".
    This is a very happy piece and perfect to brighten up a gray spring morning. Thank you for participating.

  7. Hi Carol, very cool long legged dancers...I bet they could do the limbo at Cherie beach party.
    Great job

  8. I really like this Carol, the hair says it can just feel the movement. It is a great piece, the colors are outstanding.


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