Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Zebra is Looking

" Fast Friday Fabric Challenge 56." Topic of the challenge "Rhythm & Pattern". The three rows of squares represent sky, water and earth. The Zebra is an embroidered piece, I made some time ago, It is recycled from an eye glass case that I never completed. Ha ha ha ! The quilt is small size 9" square, raw edged. backed with jean material which creates an interesting finish to the edge. Recycled scrapes form a tree on the border, threads I have collected mark the ground covering. The Zebra is taking a peek!

Please make comments I love hearing what you think. - Thank You:) xoxo


  1. Nice way to represent earth, sky, water and break up your background. Great embroidery on the zebra and nice that you could recycle him. My only concern is the width of the border seems a bit too much for this piece. Is there some way you can continue the striped pattern of the zebra outward over the borders?

  2. I like it too... and like Jan, your zebra seems squeezed because of the huge border... what would happen if you made it more off-center... leaving the left side the larger.. I think you may have cropped the photo top and bottom?
    Play with it in your photo program...The simplicity of your background makes this striking as well.

  3. I very much appreciate your recycling of materials. All the small pieces which are just to precious or interesting to part with put to good use! How about adding some small squares layered over a black and white print set on the diagonal in one of the side borders? Maybe too wild? I love the expression in the zebra's eye! I really like your work.

  4. This is the kind of piece you keep looking at and finding new things every time. I like it!

    Pat Havey

  5. Love the surprise of the zebra eye.I agree that it may be a stronger piece if you crop the border. This may be a piece that would be good framed or mounted.

  6. What a prefect background for your zebra. It is very rich in color and love how the zebra goes off into the border.


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