Tuesday, April 26, 2011


The fields are being planted here in Nebraska where I live and this piece was inspired really by that. When I saw the challenge, I had just finished this piece the day before and felt it really did meet the challenge. Since I have been unable to participate in the last several challenges, I decided to post this.

This piece was formed fully in my head the night before and constructed from cast offs from my mom's weaving stash. Grey wool and wool blend strips were overlapped to create the ground and fibers and ribbons and synthetic strips were needle felted to the ground.

So after I had it all finished, I went back and looked at the research done for the challenge and really fell in love with Mr. Goldsworthy's work. I have begun another piece and will share it later this week.


  1. Lovely, Rhonda. You used so much texture in this piece and it really does look like furrows here in Nebraska. Yes, I live here, too. Where are you located? Offline...

  2. this is interesting Rhonda and reminds me somewhat of the work of Lucille Toumi.. she uses stitches in her collages.

    I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the Andy Goldsworthy prompt.

  3. What a lovely piece with so much texture. it makes me want to touch it and look much closer! Is that a yarn which you have couched under the felted balls? The edge finish also adds a lot of interest to the piece.

  4. I love the variety of trims you have used on this piece. Just goes to show sometimes more is better. The colors are so soft they look like a late summer garden. lovely piece

    Pat Havey

  5. Love the contrast of the circles and lines. Great color in this piece as well, particularly that purple in the middle. And of course the texture is wonderful.

  6. The texture for this is fantastic. It is a very rich fertile farm land piece. I'm glad your were inspired to come back after your short hiatus.


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