Wednesday, April 27, 2011

The trees that learned how to fly

This whimsical piece includes a line of trees I saw by the edge of a canal. They reminded me of a flock of birds. I also wanted the trees to morph from black to white, but I found the final dove looked a bit flat, so I foiled some Misty Fuse for its wings. The dove of peace image with its twig links back to the tree idea. For the edge I did some satin stitch, then a bobbin thread of green wool, and finally a hand-couched yarn right on the edge.
I haven't managed to do a challenge for a while, but with it being school holidays, I had the time as well as the inclination.


  1. I wish I could enlarge these photos so I could see the piece better. I love they way the trees morphed into the doves. Lots of movement either starting with the black trees at back or the white doves in front moving backwards. You couldn't have chosen a better way to do the background, either. Very interesting. Love it!

  2. Oh.. like Jan.. I would like to see a larger image, however, I like the way the trees seem to rise into the distance. Unusual, for sure with the morphing one into the other. I like it.
    colors are cheery and make a nice background. The simulated V formation adds interest.
    Well done.

  3. I have replaced the photo (couldn't quite delete the first but made it really small) so you can enlarge it.

  4. Wow.. what a difference to be able to see it like this... this is FAB!

  5. This is an eye catching piece which merits a closer look. I really like how your trees recede into the background and the birds become larger as the come to the foreground. The fabrics which you used as the background really add to the feel of the landscape. Very nicely done!

  6. Great conceptual piece and beautiful execution. I hope you find a show to enter this one in - I think it is a winner.


  7. I love your rhythm of the tress morphing into doves, it is very Escherish. I hope yo liked the textural difference for your pieced background. Your quilting is very cute.


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