Monday, May 30, 2011

SW art deco

In researching art deco style, I found a picture of three lanky models that I liked, and decided to change them into Navaho ladies so I could keep to the  southwest/ western theme that I enjoy.  This piece is 12 " x 12", with commercial fabrics.  In trying to keep it simple, I decorated with satin stitch using variegated thread. The main fabric colors represent adobe and the red rock of the southwest.  The costumes are geometric in keeping with the art deco style.
Comments welcome.


  1. I really like your color choices and the variegated thread really adds to your piece. Since I'm thinking Art Deco is balanced for the most part, you have achieved this with your overall design. The 3 women offer enough contrast to make this a striking piece.

  2. I love the simplicity of the design in keeping close to the art deco challenge. Really great art piece.

  3. Love your graceful 'ladies'. Very rustic - deco.

  4. I think the variegated thread was the perfect element to add. It almost gives a metallic feel, which I associate with the theme and the stylized ladies are right on!

  5. This is a very nice piece and oh so southwest in color and design! The use of the simple background lets the individual design elements pop off the piece. You did a great job with the challenge.

  6. Very creative! I love how you adapted this to your original theme AND kept it Deco! Well done.


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