Saturday, July 02, 2011

Celtic Leo

My quilt is not original like all the others posted before me. Instead, I had found this design in one of the Celtic Designs listed in the Dover Publications that caught my attention because my husband's birth sign is Leo. I have really made this for him as well as our challenge, since his birthday is coming up in August. I drew the images onto freezer paper and made templates for creating the dozens of applique pieces. My biggest struggle was deciding how to twist and weave all the pieces together. Once I had all that figured out, I realized that the only way to get the background quilted in detail was to quilt it first - no way was I going to quilt around all the small spaces. After appliqueing the lions and initials, I heard the quilt screaming for some color in the border. Using Ricky Tims' piped binding method, I tried a new one using two colors of piping rather than one. I think it works but I will let you decide. At least I did a lot more quilting in this one, not like my Art Deco piece. Thanking you in advance for any comments and suggestions. Sandi


  1. Wow, you had to put a lot of thought into this quilt, and it looks like it paid off.I like the way the tails are knotted in a somewhat Celtic manner, and I appreciate the effort it took to applique the manes. What size is your project?

  2. Thank you, Ann, for the nice comment. Only 25 pieces in the mane x2. This piece is 18x22, and each piece in the manes is the size of your thumb nail. Sandi

  3. Lots of little pieces! Love the lion motif that has the true Celtic feel with the knotwork. Great color choices and balance!

  4. Your quilt looks very labor intensive. The lions tails and manes make the piece. You did a great job on this challenge. I wouldn't change a thing. I'm sure your husband will be delighted with his unique birthday gift.

  5. Great idea and design, has a medieval feel to it. I like the piped binding, nice accent to the colors of the piece.

  6. lovely piece/ I'm sure your husband will cherish it. Your lions are really great.

    Pat Havey

  7. This is wonderful...I think you should make it your hubby's coat of arms..LOL Seriously, terrific job!


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