Saturday, July 02, 2011

Celtic Knot

Here is my piece for the Celtic Quilt challenge. It's about 14" x 14". I've always been fascinated by Celtic knots, so I was happy to have this chance to study one closely enough to replicate it. I'd thought I might be able to do this with bias tape, but soon learned that wasn't possible, so I cut out and fused the pieces to the background. The knot pattern was hard to see in the dark fabric, so I decided to quilt the outline in light lavender thread (Lots of starts and stops!). I've quilted in the ditch of the border, but I think I might try to do a small Celtic motif in each corner before I bind it. Thanks for giving me the opportunity to put this fun little piece together!



  1. I love Celtic Knots, too, Sharon! Even tho this is fused, your quilting really gives it the perfect under/over feel of knotwork! Well done!

  2. Very pleasing color combination and you did a good job with your Celtic Knot. It does have an over/under feel. I think the additional quilting in the corners and perhaps borders will add to your piece.

  3. You have done a great job making the over and under of the knots show. Not an easy job. Love your colors.

    Pat Havey

  4. Sharon, your celtic knot is beautiful; I love the color choices I think that the lavender thread really made it stand out nicely. Good job. Sandi Cannarella

  5. I know EXACTLY what you mean- lots of starts and stops! If I ever do another knot, I will hand stitch it I think...LOL You did a great job with this one. It almost looks as if it's floating over the gold background. Very effective.Looking forward to seeing your additional quilting motifs


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