Friday, July 01, 2011

Talleulah Finds Her Pot of Gold

This challenge theme had me stymied until I met a few fellow FFFC'ers last weekend. Cherie Brown and Kathy Brannock threw out a few suggestions that caused the lightbulb to come on. I have been making projects over the past few months with the overall theme of "Talleulah Dreams". Talleulah is a bit of an odd bird, always wearing goggles and a cap just in case something exciting happens. She often has at least two friends nearby who are her support system, friends who would stick by her side no matter how odd Talleulah's dreams are. I have made many Talleulah quilts with several different adventures, so when the idea of a pot of gold was mentioned, I knew exactly where Talleulah fit in. My quilt is 18"x24", the egg is stabilized lame, the grass is attached so that it will wave in the breeze. Any and all comments, no matter how odd, are always welcome!


  1. What a fun quilt. I think Talleulah is perfect for an Irish quilt. Your background certainly says Ireland. Isn't she lucky to have such dedicated friends.

    Pat Havey

  2. You have obviously had a great time with Talleulah and her adventures. Her friends certainly look like they are standing guard. I like the texture and patchy colors in her body and you made a very interesting background for your story.

  3. I'm glad Talleulah found her pot of gold. This is such a fun quilt.
    I like everything about it.

  4. Ann, You have outdone yourself with this one - and it is so YOU, especially the waving grass - our guild members are still talking about your presentation and use of unusual materials. Would love to see the other Talleulah Dreams - she is just adorable! I don't know what I like the best, Talleulah, her egg, her friends, or the diamond background. Too cute! Sandi Cannarella

  5. Talleulah is adorable, and oh so fashionable in her plaid frock. The background is the perfect setting clever! I hope we see lots more of her adventures in future challenges :-)

  6. Such a fun piece. I love it.

  7. You have one GREAT character there! Maybe you will have a show built around her? Makes me smile.


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