Thursday, July 21, 2011

Challenge 59 - Solitude

July 2011 Challenge 59 – Solitude Host: Ann Turley Due: July 30th noon ET

What comes to mind when you hear the word “solitude”? Do you think of the state of being alone, yet not really lonely? Solitude and loneliness are often thought of as being similar, yet there is a definite difference. Loneliness is accompanied by a sense of isolation and separation, and a feeling that something is missing. Solitude is a state of being alone without being lonely. It is a desirable state, one that can be used as a time of reflection and personal growth or enjoyment. A great example is reading, a very solitary activity. And for our own purposes here at Fast Friday, when we engage in the creative process of developing an idea, we work in happy solitude. I’ve included a link to an article from “Psychology Today” that I found to be useful in writing this month’s challenge:

Your challenge is to create a piece of fiber art that demonstrates solitude in a representational abstract manner.

Representational Abstraction portrays objects that have been "abstracted" (taken) from nature. Although what you see may not look realistic, it is close enough that you can at least, get an idea of what you are looking at. Picasso’s paintings of women immediately come to mind. Here is a link to one of his “Weeping Women”:

For comparison, “pure” abstraction bears no resemblance to reality – Jackson Pollock’s work for example:

For more on representational abstraction visit this website:

A few images that depict solitude: This is Kathy McNeil’s “Natural Wonders”, best of show at Road to California 2011. Jane E. Hamilton, part of a traveling exhibit called “Tactile Architecture”.

How will you take your idea for Solitude and portray it in representational abstraction?

The only requirements here are to have fun, and not over think this!

Ann Turley

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