Monday, July 25, 2011

Garden Shower

My personal solitude has always been triggered by water and beautiful gardens. This quilt is taken from a photograph of my garden bench where I spent many hours enjoying the sight and sound of a fountain, birds, and multiple types of hostas. I have used the photo for a full page in my scrapbook, which I had titled Serenity, clearly one of the positive aspects of the Solitude that Ann has offered as our challenge. The quilt is 10" x 7.5" and I have used fusible raw-edge appliqué to achieve a similar appearance as the photo. Although the photo was taken during a clear day, I have added rain by quilting with silver metallic thread. All of my life, I have been the most creative when it is raining, especially when there is lightning and thunder. Interestingly it almost rained today as I was working on this, so I just played one of my "Solitude Series" CD that was rain and thunder to accompany me. I will add scrapbook page and quilt detail. Comments welcome. Sandi


  1. Sandi,
    I can feel the rain and hear the rumbling clouds. what is the size? I love that you simplified the leaves and flowers into triangles. Very nice interpretation of the challenge theme.

  2. Beautiful. Your quilting really gives the feel of a light spring rain shower.

  3. Nicely abstracted. You have captured the feeling of solitude with the mood created by both the backgrounds and the beautiful quilting.

  4. Hi Sandi, Lovely peaceful piece. That's my solitude too....looking out at a garden. The leaves and flowers are abstracted in a lovely impressionist way. Great job

  5. It's monsoon season here.. so a light rain (as opposed to a torrential downpour) would be welcome! You really captured the rain and the feeling!

  6. You have done a great job with the representational abstraction of the foliage, and that's what this challenge was all about. The composition is spot-on. The glow of the bench draws you in, the foliage pulls your eye around, and the rain draws you back out. I wonder what you will do next!

  7. Reminds me of our summers, more wet than sunny and warm! Nice composition.

  8. What a beautiful garden spot! I would delight to sit quietly on your bench reading a good book. Lovely


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