Monday, July 25, 2011

Lost in the Music

I haven't been able to participate in the last two or three challenges. When I saw this one come up Friday I felt that I just had to make time for this one.

The photograph of my granddaughter was taken in a low light setting and it looks as if she were outlined two or three times. I tried to capture the solitude of a performer on stage or an athlete getting ready to compete.

The size is 22"x27" and is not quilted, that will have to wait. I am writing more details on my blog tonight, I hope. Any comments would be appreciated. I hope I
captured the representational/abstract that I was aiming for.

I had quite a few people ask me to post this piece again when I finished the quilting. I decided to echo around the figure giving it the illusion of movement.

Closeup of "Lost in the Music".


  1. Marilyn, I think you have captured the solitude of one who is focused inside herself. You've also implied motion. I look forward to seeing this quilted. Please post a link to your blog.

  2. Hi Marilyn, Good to see you back here! This is a lovely evocative piece...beautifully done. I think the placement of the figure is perfect for the space, and helps depict the solidarity nature of the dancer.

  3. Great composition! Can't wait to see it finished....

  4. Your quilt has a haunting quality about it, yet seems so real. There is a sense of movement here as well. Good job, and please post again when you have completed it!

  5. Very nice composition. I, too, like that she is not centered. Gives the impression she is just about to turn.

  6. I can't wait to see what you do with the quilting on this one. Their is already so much movement and emotion conveyed.


  7. Thank you for your comments. I too can hardly wait to see how I quilt it. I do have an idea but have to wait until I have time to dedicate without interruptions. I loved this challenge.

  8. this is gorgeous and well designed. Brava!


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