Sunday, July 03, 2011


I got so drawn in to the whole Celtic idea that I combined a few different symbols for my Five Fold Tree of Life. The Five Fold Symbol has many interpretations. " Druids hinted of an all-encompassing illumination when the five aspects of nature were balanced within human understanding"....the one I chose to present is Seasons: the Four being Spring, Summer, Fall and Winter, and the Fifth element is Transitioning (the center circle). I used a Tree of life 'transitioning' from season to season, the roots of the trees represented by the Celtic knot twined in the center.
I drew the full size pattern on parchment paper then layered my batting, white silk dupioni and pinned the pattern on top. I stitched all the trees with black thread, and the Celtic Knot with gold holo thread, and the circles with silver holo. It took me 8 hours, a pair of tweezers, and LOTS of patience to get all the paper out LOL.

I painted the trees using Dyna Flo and Inktense Pencils. The flowers and leaves are all made from various painted mixed media...Lutradur, paper fabric etc. Every flower and leaf was fussy cut and stitched on the trees one at a time. The knot is painted in gold metallic. Quilted with white silk thread.

25" x 25"

Thanks Pam for a great challenge!


As always, your comments and suggestions are appreciated


  1. An absolutely GORGEOUS piece! I like the way you portrayed the tees and used the Celtic knot for the roots. Besides showing the transitions of the seasons it is also in the shape of a 4-leaf clover. I think the echo quilting is the perfect finish to this potentially award winning piece!

  2. This is truly a very special piece. Well done!! A treat to look at and your statement very thoroughly describes the design. I wouldn't change athing
    Pat F in Winnipeg

  3. Absolutely wonderful, Cherie! Great composition, color, and flow. And getting it done in a week! Lovely echo quilting... Fabulous job!

    (Try Golden Threads paper next time... it tears much more easily than freezer or parchment, and leaves little residue! I'm using it more and more!)

  4. Stunning! Your time and effort really paid off. Interesting combination of techniques.

  5. Incredible! Museum quality. Your explanation of the tree of life and your creation of this quilt tells me you are an exceptional artist. Great job.

  6. This is spectacular! What a gorgeous piece. Wonderful idea and professionally executed. Thank you for sharing the details of your process with us.

  7. Cherie, this is the most wonderful creation. Stunning, complex, masterful, detailed,... I love it. Just an incredible work of art. Hope you plan to enter it into a judged show. Sandi Cannarella

  8. Oh my gosh! Thank you so much for all your wonderful comments. It really makes it feel worthwhile to have your work appreciated by your peers.

  9. This is beautiful. Impressive design, creative, so on target for the challenge. I love the complexity of the design and it seems so authentically Celtic. You nailed the challenge with a gorgeous piece of art work.

  10. I have to echo the above comments. This is wonderful. And thank you for including so much information in the description.

  11. Cherie, your piece is sensational.

    You can have your very own Fairy Godmother by going to and Linda will tell you exactly what to do.
    It will be a little different from mine. That is what makes it fun.

  12. Absolutely FABULOUS! I love every bit of it.


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