Saturday, July 02, 2011

Irish Words

Irish Words

This quilt is made up of Irish quotes, sayings and slang. The flower I found under Irish flowers ( sorry I do not have a name) the . It grows low to the ground and than the bloom pops up a bit like a crownf. The flower was fused on to the quilt and thread painted. I add a few beads and some dried foliage for effects. The Irish words were hand printed with a fabric marker. Machine quilting brought it together. Size is 24 inches by 24 inches.

I was apprehensive about the Irish theme in June. Being a free spirit I went into create mode. It was great fun looking everything up. There is is even a quote from Sandra Bullock and one from Gregory Peck. I totally enjoyed this challenge. I have never been to Ireland, however my Great Grandfather was born there.:)
SusanPI Ward
Quilting in Kentucky


  1. Fun! The quilting really makes the words pop!... almost looks like trapunto!

  2. A very different looing flower - just right for Ireland. The works and sayings are a great idea. Good work

    Pat Havey

  3. Susan, This is just such a fun piece. Wish I could read all the quotes. A unique idea that you can enjoy way beyond the quilt itself. Sandi Cannarella

  4. The trapunto look is a very effective way to show case your words. Very creative quilt.

  5. How clever is this piece! I wish I could read all the sayings. You must have had so much fun researching for this. And I love your flower too!



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