Sunday, August 28, 2011


For this challenge I chose a photo I took in Florida just before a storm arrived. I have always intended to interpret this one so loved the chance to do so for this piece.

I painted the background sky with watercolor pencils on white silk charmeuse. The water is two layers of sheers: the ground is black suede cloth and the trees are cut from a printed fabric and fused and stitched on. I painted the tree trunks. The grasses are thread painting.

It measures 19 1/2"x13 1/2".

This was a super challenge Carole...Thanks!

All comments welcomed and appreciated.



  1. Wow Cherie, great piece. The water color sky looks great. Wish I could see the foreground better to see how the black suede cloth looks. The thread painted grass looks good as well.

  2. Lovely composition and I can feel the wind blowing off the sea. The sky is anything but ominous before a hurricane. Great contrast and lighting. My only suggestion would be to make the grass less static and more fluid by thread painting some at an angle blowing with the wind. I really like this piece!

  3. Cherie, limited palette and wonderful portrayal of the approaching storm. The colors you have used are wonderful. I've never worked on silk, this gives me the nod to try it.

  4. Cherie,

    What a gorgeous sky you have painted, it really sets off the windblown palms. I agree with Jan in that depicting the grass with more movement by the wind would enhance the feel of the impending storm. Is that sequins which I see glittering on the water? Very nice piece.


  5. Hi Cherie, this is so graphic and beautiful...congrats on a great piece! I think it deserves to be a large piece and entered into a show

  6. Thanks all...Louise, not sequins, the under-layer fabric has metallic glitter like surface and sparkles through here and there depending on the light source.

  7. This is a beautiful piece. The sky has so much movement and depth. It feels like I am right there in the wind.

  8. This is a beautiful piece. I agree that it would also be wonderful as a larger work. If you were to do it larger, in addition to the movement of the grasses that has been suggested, I wonder about movement of the trunks of the trees and the horizon line of the distant water (having just watched Irene as she visited us in NC). Your sky and the tree tops and your blue-black colors (especially the yellow and blue vibration where the water meets the horizon line) are magnificent. Sue Church

  9. This is great. I can actually feel the wind blowing.


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