Sunday, September 04, 2011

Challenge 60, "A Journey in the Rain" by Jeanne Holmes

I loved the challenge to create a quilt where atmosphere and mood are created with color. Immediately I thought about rain, especially with hurricane Irene getting ready to wreak havoc on the east coast. I love the rain; I especially love to walk in the rain. It was difficult to show the rain and the stormy clouds but to still keep it joyous especially since painting is not my strength. I painted the sky and used fusible applique to create the woman walking in the rain. The piece is 19 1/2” x 16”


  1. Jeanne,

    I think that your fabric choice for the sky and clouds really mimics a rainy day. The free motion quilting which you did reinforces the feeling. I like that you painted your fabric, is there metallic paint used in it? The path leads me into the piece and the fabric which you used for the woman's skirt denotes her movement to me. A job well done!


  2. Jeanne, I agree with Louise, the shirt fabric is great. The umbrella fabric also is perfect, you can see the bowed shape. You certainly depicted atmosphere well in this piece.

  3. Great job depicting a rainy day. The hand painted sky is terrific and really evokes the feeling of walking in the rain. Ticia

  4. Your painting is great. You have certainly captured the feeling of the day. Good textures and movement.

    Pat Havey

  5. The rain looks very blustery. I don't know if I would enjoy walking in it! The woman and brolly are also really effective. Another time, if you wanted to communicate joy, you could maybe have the umbrella a bright colour.

  6. This piece definitely shows atmosphere and mood. I don't see "joy" in it though. This one would have worked well for the previous challenge of "solitude". Nicely done.

  7. Hi Jeanne, I think you captured the atmosphere and mood very well. The woman's strong posture helps portray the hopeful joy of walking in a storm...enjoying the rain and hopeful there's no lightening!

  8. Jeanne, I can almost feel the rain in your piece. You did a great job of portraying the storm clouds. The obvious movement of the woman keeps my eye moving within the piece. Great piece!

    Susan Armstrong

  9. The fabric in her skirt couldn't be much more perfect, it gives off such movement. I believe you have fully captured the mood. Very nice.

  10. This comment has been removed by the author.

  11. I love the movement and mood of the piece. The colors and methods you used brought it to life!



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