Sunday, September 04, 2011

"Pina Colada Anyone?"

I am a little bit behind the ball, but decided after having commented on the works of others meeting this month's challenge, that I should get busy and get something done.  The foundation for this piece is fabric which I sunprinted a number of years ago.  I used rice paper, maple leaves, and water lily pads.  My intent was to invoke a feeling of the tropical jungle with it's humidity, heat, and lushness.  I inked the large parrot in the foreground and then colored it with Inktense Pencils and Neocolor II Watersoluble Crayons.  I then added metallic highlights with gel pens and then re-inked some of the black lines.  The silhouette of the parrots in the back was done with black ink.  

The plan is to trapunto the parrots and leaf shapes and then do free motion quilting in the background.   I would also like to add some type of border on two sides of the piece.  Any and all suggestions and comments are welcomed.  This doesn't feel like my best work, but I have been in a slump, so hopefully this will put me on the right track to begin creating again.


  1. Louise it may not be your best but it's pretty darn good. I like it without a border so don't really have any suggestions on that. It will be interested to see it quilted.

  2. Louise, the textures in the background and the parrot are wonderful, rich and varied without being busy. I think the trapunto will be a terrific addition to the piece. Ticia

  3. dI can hardly wait to see it quilted. The textures and colors are so lovey now I'm sure it will only accetuate the positive. I like it without a border also.

    Pat Havey

  4. You have really used that sunprint to great advantage. I love your main parrot - he reminds me of our kea, native NZ mountain parrot.

  5. Hi Louise, This is beautiful...lovely colors and lots of texture. I do find the black shadow birds to be a distraction though. There's just a value contrast there that it beoomces the focal point. Perhaps tone them down with some gray? Or create more balance by adding a black border, maybe assymetrical?
    Great bird and I love the soft colors.

  6. Please post again after you have quilted and done the trapunto on the piece. It will really make it pop.
    I would add a dab of white reflection in the eye to make it "come alive".

  7. I really like this piece. I do love the colors. The parrot is beautiful and I would love to see it once is quilted.
    The only suggestion I would make it to lighten the silhouette. It is drawing my eye to that and away from the beautiful. Maybe if it were lightened it would be more of a shadow.

  8. Louise, the background sunprint is a great background for your colorful parrot. I too find my eye drawn to the silhouettes of the birds in the background. Perhaps a lighter color will help? I would like to see this when the trapunto is complete.

    Susan Armstrong

  9. The sunprint certainly does portray the humidity, lushness of the tropical jungle. Great parrot. I like how you explained the techniques that were used. Well done.

  10. Parrots are so fascinating, clever, witty and beautiful as is this quilt. He must be in paradise with out any tropical storms. Great job


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