Saturday, September 17, 2011


This scene came to me as a result of all the forest fires occurring in the southwest U.S. including here in SoCal due to lightning. I used fused raw-edge applique, glitter glue for sparkle, angelina for forest fairy's hair and dryer sheets and tulle with circular quilting to create smoke. Please tell me if I accomplished my goal -- sadness as a result of the terrible loss of woodlands from fire. 17"x22"


  1. Yes, I do think you met your goal. The fire's brightness contrasts with the grays of the burnt trees, and the faint yellow of the far background hints at the extent of the fire, definitely something to cause the evident grief of the little fairy.

  2. Perhaps if you faint closed eyes and a little bead near the fairy's eye for a tear, it would help to read definitely as grief. I can just hear one of my little nephew wanting to know if the fire is making the fairy die.

    As well it might do! but if it is clearer that she is grieving, the focus will be on the fores devistation..
    Sandy in the UK


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