Thursday, September 22, 2011

Challenge 61 - Color Palette From a Painting You Love

FFFC Challenge 61 – September 2011                                       Due: Sept 30 noon ET
Select a color palette from a painting                      Host:  Delores Hamilton                                   

Let’s look at what color combinations have been used successfully in paintings by master and contemporary artists and try one out!

This challenge begins with selecting a painting, identifying the color palette used in that painting, and then creating a piece based on that color palette.  You can challenge yourself to use only the colors in that palette or you can add or subtract a few colors, if needed.  Don’t be concerned with anything else except the color combinations  in your chosen painting….This is a color study, not the art style of the painting.  Subject, style, techniques, size, etc are your choice.

Color palette links:

Information on colorists:  

Paintings that could have inspired art quilts (hypothetically): 

Painting by Ruth Palmer:
Art quilt by Laura Wasilowski:

Painting by Cliff Briggie:
Art quilt by Deb Seegart:

Painting by Gretchen Hancock:
Art quilt by 12x12 group:

Painting by Colleen Sanchez:
Art quilt by Rose Rushbrooke:

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