Saturday, September 03, 2011

Orange petal

What a fun challenge this was. I decided to work from a photo I had taken of a tulip - looking top down. To concentrate on the large blocks of color to set the mood/atmosphere and to add shading with thread painting.

One of the skills I have just begun to work on this year is through the challenges I have done is thread painting. The flower was the first thing I have done so large. The piece is approximately 17" x 12".

The top picture is a detail of the painting and the bottom one is the full piece.

It was a real struggle for me to work with such large blocks of color (rather than small details). Another first for me was cutting all of the pieces free hand based on a printout of the photo that I had taken.

This was my first year participating in the fast friday group. It has really stretched my abilities and challenged me not to overthink what I am doing. I have also really appreciated the constructive criticism that I have received and tried to incorporate it into my work going forward.



  1. Ticia,

    It is great to hear that people are meeting these challenges by trying out new techniques. Once you have done this, you have a new tool to add to your creative box for possible use in future projects. The thread painting on this piece adds lots of drama and movement, causing the flower to come alive. I like the patchwork of background pieces and the different quilting motifs which you have used, they add an overall feeling of interest.


  2. Ticia, what an interesting composition...I've never looked at a tulip that way. Your thread painting is fabulous.

  3. Gorgeous thread painting, and vibrant centre piece. It sounds like you have taken on what these challenges are for - intuitive and definitely no over-thinking! Look forward to more of your work.

  4. This is a refreshing view of a flower, and I love the colors and your beautiful thread painting.

  5. I love the piece, especially the off-center focual point. Thread painting can be quite a challenge- one you've met quite nicely. I wonder if the flower might be a more dramatic focal point if some of the background fabrics were a little less "busy", although the darker values of some of them, show it up nicely
    Pat f in Winnipeg

  6. Your thread painting is beautiful. Looks like ll your practice has paid off. I really like the extreme contrast of the background pieces. It pulls your eye right to the flower. Nice ork

    Pat Havey

  7. Hi Ticia, The stylized flower is lovely with all the blended thread work. I really love your close up and it made me think that cropping the background significantly could make this a wow piece. The flower doesn't need the competition of so much background...what do you think?

  8. Ticia, you have done a wonderful job of thread painting this tulip. The perspective is interesting, however maybe some leaves would add interest. Maybe you could still add some.

    Susan Armstrong


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