Saturday, September 03, 2011


25½" x 16"

Here is the finished piece. The hair is now tinged pink, to make it stand out a bit more, the dancer has lips, and the edge is finished! 9/11/11

Terpsichore is an early kind of dance from the Middle Ages. The colorful striped fabric started me out; I folded it so that the colors radiated out for the dress. The gold fabric started out just for the body, but it worked well for the border, with a lace edging over it. I used Angelina fiber for the hair and collar, sequins for the eyes. I had found a tiny gold rose for a flower in the dancer's mouth, but lost it, so I made that out of fabric paint.

Comments welcome!


  1. Tobi, what a joyful piece, full of movement. The bright colors of the dress do a nice job of setting off the yellow golds of his body and the background. Ticia

  2. The colors and the design are very moving. Although you didn't remark that your "mood and atmosphere" were "uplifting or joyous", this piece is that. Sue Church

  3. Tobi,

    I couldn't tell in the photo, did the folding of the fabric add dimension to the dress? A very creative use of a lot of different fibers. She does look very joyful in her dance.


  4. Tobi this is such a fun piece from the colors to the movement.

  5. Wht fun! It mmakes me want to join in the dance and merriment.

    Pat Havey

  6. Hi Tobi, what a delightful creature you have created!
    Good job

  7. Tobi, this piece is a very happy piece. I love the way you used the striped fabric. Good job!

    Susan Armstrong

  8. Tobi- what a great representation of Greek mythology. She is so much fun! Very creative dancer:)


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