Friday, September 02, 2011


The idea for this piece began by planning to make a layered photo piece that would finish out at 13 x 18. I had plans to use it as a study for a larger piece. The idea didn't work and I had two pieces printed already so I started playing and the project morphed into 37" x 45" piece.

I started out with two photos taken at a bird sanctuary on Harbor Island, SC, I blended the photos in PSE to achieve the final image. One of the photos was taken at sunset and the water reflected the pink in the sky. They are printed on silk habotai, cotton sateen, silk organza and tulle. The background is a purchased hand dye. I've had the hand dye piece of fabric for years and finally found the right use for it.

Carol I hope this fits the challenge. While the piece is not quilted I do have the top done. Getting this far in less than a week on large piece is quite an accomplishment for me. I'm so glad this group is staying together.

Any comments would be appreciated.


  1. Fabulous piece Marilyn, the hand dye gives it a bit of lift. Very, very nice.

  2. The hand dye reminds me of the sun shining through some very thick trees.

  3. I love the feeling of peace the sunset exudes . I hope you repost after you quilt this. Quilting as an enhancement is always such a challenge - especially on a piece as lovely as this.

    Pat Havey

  4. The atmosphere of this piece is palpable. The birds, especially the misty ones seem so alone. What a wonderful piece. I can't wait to see this quilted.


  5. Serenity and reflection are the mood or atmosphere that I get from this piece. The colors are soothing, and calming but I find that these feelings are increased by the "mirroring" or repetition of the images. It is a great piece. Sue Church

  6. Marilyn,

    What a beautiful piece which evokes the depth of feeling within a bird sanctuary. I can feel the humidity in the air as the sun attempts to penetrate the lushness of the setting. Your choice of the handdye as a foundation really does mimic the dappling of sun through the botanical overgrowth. I also appreciate your using PSE to enhance the photos and then printing them on the different fibers. This piece will only get more beautiful with the quilting added. I applaud your beautiful effort to meet this challenge.


  7. Excellent interpretation of the challenge. Great to see your creative use of PSE. I like this image very, very much.
    Pat f in winnipeg

  8. I love this piece or should I say I love the peace that I feel when I see this. The combination of the images of the birds and the hand dye is marvelous and you get extra bonus points for re-purposing items from previous projects. The only thing I can think that would improve this piece is to give it to me ;-).

    Jeanne Holmes

  9. Hi Marilyn, I guess I'm going to have to arm wrestle Jeanne for this...I want it too! It's wonderfully moody and dusky. Great job!

  10. Thanks for all your comments. I hope I can do it justice when it comes to the quilting part.

  11. Marilyn, what a work of art! Looking at this work gives me a peaceful feeling. Good job of combining printed pieces with a hand dye. Good job!

    Susan Armstrong


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