Sunday, September 25, 2011

Yiddish Wisdom

This picture, was my inspiration for the quilt I made for the challenge and comes from the book "Yiddish Wisdom".

The quilt is approximately 15" X 15" and in no way completed yet. I still have to quilt and bind.

I hate posting a quilt that is not completed within the one week timeline, because I feel that I am cheating. But, this time I am making an exception to "my" rule because this next week is crazy for me. I have classes all day on Monday, Wednesday's I have my Toastmasters Meeting and a lunch date and Thursday and Friday and Saturday I'm in a training. PLUS! I have a research paper to do for one of my classes. No way will I have have this completed this week. I just wanted to get it posted and out of the way, so I would not have to worry about it later.

I may or may not add French Knots for the flowers. Let me know what you think.I hope you will all forgive me for rushing this through. All comments, critiques and criticisms welcome.


  1. This piece has a very lovely soft feel to it. I like the fact that you used some very different fabric in it with nice sparkle. However, to me the colors do not emulate the illustration which you used, which is what I thought this challenge was about. Could be that the colors on my computer are not reading right.

  2. I like your interpretation of the picture. Alike but different. I do see all your colors or darker shades of the colors in the fabric rendition. In fact, I like yours much better.

  3. Your represention of the piece is certainly cheerier than the painting since your colors aren't grayed. The use of so many glittery fabrics really adds texture and interest. I like the piece.


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