Saturday, November 26, 2011


This is my first attempt at using value to do portraits.  I am happy with everything except the choice of fabrics.  I think there is too big of a jump between the two lightest and the next fabric.  Thus, I haven't stitched it.  The most challenging part was the eyes.  I am happy with the way they turned out.  I used a white colored pencil to get the white dots that make the eyes come alive. I just wish the fabrics had a better gradation.  Please let me know what you think.   Should I toss it and start over or stitch it???

Lindabn from Louisiana


  1. Linda... I love it. Perfect choice for this challenge. You can dull down the light areas with thread or even tulle.... Stitch it! Loved the way you captured the eyes... great work!

  2. This is excellent! It is quite a successful portrait and it certainly meets the challenge extremely well.
    Absolutely do NOT toss this. If the value change between the very lightest and the next lightest fabric on the face bothers you, I would smooth out the contrast with a layer of tulle. All the rest really works for me. The eyes are wonderful!

  3. What a fabulous portrait. Another way to even out the gradation might be to use a blending thread colour over the join. Depends how much stitching you plan. Or use inktense pencils - but either way practise on a scrap first! Look forward to seeing it finished.

  4. It is very realistic, perhaps a lighter tan instead of the white? I like it as is and think your colors were a very good choice. Love it.

  5. I agree, the eyes are so well done. The light bits on her cheeks, nose and chin might need to be knocked back a shade. Her eyes may even shine brighter when they are the lightest color in the composition.

    I would cut new pieces and just lay them in place and take more photographs. It's amazing what you see on the monitor, isn't it?

  6. Thank you all for the great suggestions. I am going to play with a couple different fabrics before stitching it. I will post it when completed.

  7. I love the look on this child's face and the colors are wonderful. Maybe instead of removing the white you could take colored pencils and lighten it that way? Do try on another piece of fabric first, though!
    Lovely piece!

  8. I think you've got a great start and with the suggestions of using pencils and stitching you can soften the edges and make it work to your liking.

    Lisa Q.


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