Saturday, November 26, 2011

Onion Peel

The Art Piece

As I started this design, I had in mind that it eventually would become a purse. I was given a gorgeous piece of burgundy velvet [my friend Alex bought it at an estate sale for 50cents], I had some tiny cones of silk yarn, some iridescent seed beads and an idea. I had never done any couching before, but this silk begged to be put with this velvet.  I also felt it really fit this challenge.

Velvet seems to have a life of its own as it slides and frays all over the place.   I stay stitched the velvet to the stabilizer. That seem to keep the velvet in place.   As I began to couch the silk yarn to the velvet I loved the look. It is lush! I had absolutely no idea I was stitching the shape of an onion cut pole-to-pole; I just liked the shape. It wasn't until I took a break for a dinner of my Oven Roasted Onion Soup, , that I realized after peeling and cutting over 4 pounds of onions, that shape was definitely in my mind.

After dinner I added the seed beads to bring out the dimensions of the velvet-polyester batting-satin layers. I used the polyester batting because I wanted it to be  very 'lumpy'; it is.  It is also very rich, lush, glowing and invites touch.  The beads are dark, but just the right tiny glow to fulfill the challenge. Today I finished making this work of art into an Arty Purse. I plan to use it New Years Eve at a wedding rehearsal dinner.  I often make things do not materialize into my inner vision.  It is so nice to make something I really like.

The Arty Purse Hanging on My Design Wall

The Arty Purse Sitting on a Table


  1. Great job, Ann.... Love the purse and the luminescence you've captured! Very effective on the found velvet!

  2. How great to be able to find a purpose for a gorgeous bit of fabric like that velvet. Your stitching does what all good art does - suggest an image to the viewer. Bonus that you like it!

  3. Your Onion Skin really is dynamic, high contrast, and colorful! It is deceptively simple. One might
    say it is "only" a few lines of stitching but I think it
    shows great skill to create something that speaks to the
    challenge so completely with minimal lines while capturing the essence of an onion. It also makes a great purse. Well done!

  4. Such an interesting piece Ann, and the bag...well how clever of you. Nice work for this challenge.

  5. Incredible to be able to carry this piece of art with you. Great job! I'm sure you will hear many compliments when you are out on the town.

  6. Love that you're making "working pieces" with the challenge. And, I love how this glows...texture, movement...really nice job, Ann!

    Lisa Q.


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