Thursday, December 01, 2011

Under the Sea

I haven't finished this piece, it still needs stitched and quilted.
I really admire the work of Jo Diggs so tried my first 'underwater' scene.   I am hoping I have achieved contrast between the dark and the light area of the 'reef'. Thanks for the great challenge Susan.


  1. Go to the light! The fish seem to be seeking the light, coming out of an underwater cave. This is a fun response to the challenge and introduces some pleasant whimsey, especially with regard to the unexpected fish fabrics. Personally, I have always liked underwater scenes, and this is made even better because of your use of contrast.

  2. Thanks Susan, it was done quickly.

  3. Having just taken a class with Jo Diggs on underwater scenes and having the piece sitting on my worktable for awhile, this is wonderful inspiration on taking her techniques and making them your own. I'm more eager to get back to my piece at this point. Great job with the contrast-I really like that dark background.

  4. Hi Rhoda, This shows wonderful contrast in value as well as intensity of the hues, some bright and some dull. Great job! The only comment I have is: what if the light fish on the upper right were outlined in a dark color, would they be better defined and more interesting?

  5. That is a good idea Cynthia...I haven't finished the stitching yet.

  6. Nice underwater piece. I like how you created the reality of the fish and how they like to hover under or inside of something.


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