Thursday, December 01, 2011


I took a picture of a flower in my garden because it had one white petal amongst all the red. The light gave interesting color variations to the petals so I felt it fit the challenge. It is 20x20. Machine quilted and raw edge appliqued


  1. Wonderful variety of values creates an intriguing yet unified whole. The different shades of a single color family do help establish the dimensionality of the flower. The dark background and center contrast strongly with the almost white petal while many of the lighter "medium" hues seem to concentrate around the outer rim to create nice contrast with the background. I like the texture you have added to the center.

  2. Hi Pat, This is very dramatic...great job! I like the rogue light petal very much

  3. The light white petal grabs the eye and takes you into the colors of the flower, the black back ground shows off the beauty of the flower. You always have a wonderful showing of color,

  4. I like the texture and you've certainly handled the shading wonderfully well to give the piece depth/dimension. It does harken back to the chiaroscuro aspect, and yes, that one white petal is just great! Well done.
    Lisa Q.


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