Thursday, December 29, 2011

Here Comes the Rain

Finally I've finished a challenge on time.  Actually I have quite a few challenges I haven't yet posted so better catch up.

Here Comes the Rain, since I do live in Seattle,  it has been cold and rainy this week, I figured I had to do rain.  It's a very abstract rain piece about 9 x 16 inches.  The repetition is the linear rain lines.

My new years resolution is to do every challenge, or at the very least get in to comment.

In dark and raining Seattle


  1. Lisa

    It's always hard to interpret a concrete phenomenon in an abstract way, but you have succeeded in doing just that. The colour combo works to suggest gloom and splashing water, and the vertical stitching definitely gives a rainy feel.

  2. I can see the urban scape in your abstract with all the mixed color tones and crooked lines. I can feel the rain also. Well done!

    Pat Havey

  3. This piece surprised me with its abstract pattern that nevertheless suggested a gray rainy day.

  4. The colors used are perfect for rain. When it runs down the street it appears muddy and yet clean, too. Such soothing colors, just like rain can be at times.


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