Friday, December 30, 2011

How Many Wannabee Snowbirds Are There?

Certainly not the snowwoman who is tired of shoveling the snow but fears she may end up like the melting snowman.
Answer: just one...The bird with the scarf represents me..I am the winter wannabe escapee ...   
The quilt was designed with Make the Cut software and  cut with my digital cutter.


  1. Very cute. Certainly depicts winter.

    Pat Havey

  2. Very whimsical, what is the end size? Did you frame it?

  3. I like the texture of the white fabric and the quilting lines which seem to indicate wind. Did you use Angelina fiber here, around the melting snowman? It certainly looks too cold for him to melt!

  4. The quilt is 10"x18" framed. I love to frame my quilts as it tends to look better and more like art and I also don't have to bind it:)

    I used an opalescent white fabric and fuzzy yarns around the melting snowman.

  5. Most winters I'd want to escape with you but we've had such a mild one this year I don't mind staying. But most winters I'd want to go south, too. This is a cute way to depict it.


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