Sunday, February 05, 2012

Warhol Bentleys

Having just worked on an auction quilt for my daughter's kindergarten class this seemed somewhat timely.  Granted, I did not look look at my memories but took one of my daughter's favorite icons.  Bentley is her once white now grey bunny, he appears in many of her drawings and paints, he's either features as himself or snowmen or replicated in a rainbow of colors. 

I had my six year old daughter draw just his head then I replicated it on 12 different colors.  For some reason I thought this challenge had the KISS, keep it simple stupid, so that's is exactly what I did.  The added bonus by being a Bentley quilt, she allowed me to work on it without interruption.  Finished size 15 x 20 inches.

In Sunny Seattle


  1. Simple and beautiful. Like a coloring book, it allows the viewer to complete the story.

    Ticia Wicks

  2. This looks like something Kindergarteners would love and really relate to. Bright and simple.

  3. Hi Lisa, Love's darling!

  4. Love the choice of rainbow colors, and the simplicity. Very nice.


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