Saturday, February 04, 2012

Face in the clouds

I decided that I needed to crop this to get rid of too much that was getting in the way of the face. I think this helps a bit.

I spent a lot of time thinking about this challenge and thinking I didn't have time to get it done. Last night I decided that I would see if I could get one my ideas to work in PhotoShop Elements.

One of my most vivid memories of my childhood was laying in the yard under a tree and looking for faces in the clouds.

I have quite a large stash of sky photos so I looked in that folder and decided on the photo above.

I loved the light that was shining behind the cloud, it just glowed.

The next photo I looked for was a face that really spoke to me. This is a photo I took of my granddaughter, Ellington. It was Christmas and she had gotten this Lite-Brite as a gift. She decided that she wanted to make a self-portrait. We turned the lights off so that she had a side light. I thought this turned out beautifully. I've always loved the way her eyes look in this photo.

I dropped-out the background and most of her hair. After I placed the face in the sky photo I decided it needed a bit more adjusting so I dropped out a bit more of the left side of her face.

In PSE you can move the image around, so I auditioned the face until I found just the right placement. I printed the results on an 11 x 14 piece of cotton sateen. Quilting will have to come later.

All comments are welcome


  1. Marilyn, I love the concept of a child's face in the clouds, although I couldn't see it on my monitor. The sky and face that you chose are perfect. They bring back lots of memories for me, of dreaming up "pictures" in the sky.

    Ticia Wicks

  2. Hi Marilyn...I don't see the final piece, just the original photos posted here. great idea, though. I still spend time looking for things in the clouds!

  3. I love the child's face in the clouds on the top photo. Was this transferred to cloth?
    Wonderful concept.


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