Friday, March 30, 2012

Spiral Galaxy M101

I have always been interested in space, so now with all the breathtaking photos coming from Hubble, I knew exactly what I wanted to portray in my challenge piece. I chose M101, one of my favorite galaxies, but creating it was another story! I chose a marbled cotton overlayed with a "party" organza to simulate stars in space. Then I layered several cutouts of dryer sheets to achieve the general outline and glowing center of light. These I "feathered" to soften the lines, and finally overlayed them with teased white fuzzy yarn. VOILA! However, I realized that there was no way for me to "use" it or quilt it. One sneeze and the galaxy would be gone. Overlaying tulle, white or darker, would spoil the effect, so I just took a picture of it as is. Anyone have a suggestion as to how I might preserve this? Comments and suggestions more than welcome. LOVED doing this challenge, Susan, thank you.


  1. Nice piece that should be preserved. Try putting a piece of black tulle over it and then stepping back. I think you might be surprised as to how well it really does blend in with the piece especially after some quilting is added.

  2. Lovely effect of the layers. Doesn't the party organza go over the top of it all? If you think stitching won't work, you could try beading random 'stars'. Or a needle felting machine, but that might give shrinkage. Always try on a sample!

  3. Black tulle seems to dissapear over almost everything. It certainly would help keep it all together. I have had great success with it. It is a lovely piece made even more effective being in black and white.

    Pat Havey

  4. I am very impressed with the unconventional way in which you went about creating this lovely piece. The party organza provides the perfect "starry" atmosphere for your work. The oveall effect is very cosmic. Great job! I also agree with the above comments about preserving this by using the black tulle on top.

    Louise Page

  5. Jan, Julia, Pat and Louise, Thank you, each of you, for your kind comments and helpful suggestions. I will try the black tulle and see what happens. I received two direct emails that were helpful, one about tulle and another about spraying with matte medium or even diluted Elmer's glue. I will try each idea on some scraps first and then decide which way to go. I really want to save this piece and to get some quilting into it. Sandi


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