Saturday, March 03, 2012

Line & Color Challenge

Well, I didn't have much time to work on a piece this week...but wanted to follow my own advice of better done than perfect.  So here it is.  I used a photo of a hallwall in an abandoned building for the line and a photo of bright wildflowers for the color.  I didn't get the effect of the gloomy hallway because of the cheery colors.  I should have used more shades and tones.  Since I didn't really love the piece, I also experimented with the quilting.  After quilting it like I usually do, I "overquilted" it by quilting vertical lines in black thread and horizontal lines in white thread.  I've always wanted to do this to see if the neutral thread blended the colors of the quilt, as well as how much quilting can you get into a small piece and  still see the composition.  (the answers are a little bit and a lot)


  1. Architectural perspective - what a great idea for a piece about line! It has a sort of surreal feeling, with the neon-ish colors, like a scene from Star Trek or something! Maybe you could experiment with a different color scheme on the same or similar design. It engages the eye, wanting to know what's behind that yellow door! Good job with getting done. I'm still staring at a stack of fabrics!

  2. Cynthia,

    I am really drawn to the color scheme in this piece. The way in which you used the lines effectively creates perspective and draws the viewer in. Bravo for you for being so open to experimentation on this project. I appreciate all the texture which is created by the quilting. A very nice job.


  3. You already had one GORGEOUS piece. This really looks like a pencil sketch or perhaps chalk. It must be the over quilting? "We learn by doing." I really like the over quilting.

  4. The purple really makes this pop! I love perspective in quilts.. (I did one long ago!)... hallways are perfect for this. Nice job.


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