Saturday, March 03, 2012


OK, its not done, but I ran outa time (work, etc, you all know the drill).  But I hope to have the stitching done by tonight.  My inspiration was a topographic map that I had in my sketch book and the fabric on my table (as usual).  These are fabrics from the Japa Mala (Buddhist Prayer Beads) quilt that is still in progress.

Fused pieces on black (to reflect the changes in elevation) are quilted and stitched at the same time with a narrow zig zag.  I want to go back and do some detail lines in each segment for the topographic lines and will just do some background quilting in the black. 

Great challenge, Cynthia!  Comments of course are welcome and appreciated!


  1. Hi Wendy, this is gorgeous! It looks like a wonderful papaya and avocado salad! Great job on the color intensities, they are all there. I really like the edges, sorted of jagged, making it look like it is floating on the background. Great job

  2. I like this piece a lot too. The colors are gorgeous to look at and I really like the idea of a topo map for inspiration. will you leave the rough edges and the places that appear to be open? Maybe they are rivers at the bottom of valleys?

  3. This is a lovely piece! The colors are so bold against the black and the blending of tones is subtle but very effective. I really am drawn to the organic feel of this piece. I am looking forward to seeing the completed product. You did a wonderful job with this challenge.


  4. This is a STUNNING piece. Can't wait to see the Japa Mala.


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