Saturday, April 28, 2012

Find Your Own Path

I played with several of the gestalt principles using fabric paint and some of my homemade stencils.  None of the samples thrilled me but found I was drawn to the similarity/anamoly principle.  I came up with the idea of individuality and went to to create the figures.  Since they are small (entire quilt is only 17 x 21) I used faux suede for the figures to keep the intricate details from unraveling.  I dug the border out of my stash and found a piece of my hand dyed fabric that went well with the rust color in the border.  I finished the edges of the quilt using the pillowcase method.  The only thing I have left to do is quilt it.  I plan to use echo quilting.  I just need to go to the store to find a muted rust thread.

I haven't posted in a while.  Between work and my husband's health, anything creative has been on the back burner.  However, finals are coming up next week and I hope to have some time to play this summer.  This was a really great challenge and I may make another one using one of the other principles.

LindaBN from Louisiana


  1. This is a perfect rendition of the similarity/anomaly principle Linda. I personally relate to your 'runner going against the flow'. LOL Great interpretation of the challenge...glad to see you back!


  2. I really like this piece! In it's simplicity lies the beauty. A very wise choice in the use of the suede for the body forms. The border fabric gives the piece kick. Hope all goes well with your hubby!


  3. Great interpretation....and as you deal with a life threatening illness with your husband, I sense this is somewhat autobiographical as well. Quilting is healing...

  4. Wendy, I didn't see it as autobiographical until you mentioned it. I do feel like running in the other direction more times than not lately...or better yet running back to a time when life was not so scary and complex.

    Cherie and Louise, thank you for your gracious comments.


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