Sunday, April 29, 2012

La Luna

After reading the challenge, I started googling for ideas and found one that just leaped off the page at me.  This image (8th one down on that page) made me think of some B&W striped fabric I had in my stash, but alas, I didn't have enough of it (and no more at the quilt shop, I checked!).  But I started in, and knocked this one out in 4 hours.

The striped fabric was strip cut and reassembled to alternate the strips.  The inset circle was doing with Cathy Miller's circle technique (found in her songbook, page 41, and I was the hand model!).  Quilted with black and white variegated thread (King Tut!), and simply bound.  Done.

Fun to just play.  A lot of the gestalt work struck me as also Op-Art.... and I love it when things come together so fast!... Comments of course are welcome and appreciated.


  1. I love, love, love this piece. I have a photo that I've manipulated in PSE that this reminds me of.

  2. I really love your interpretation. It is very mesmerizing!

  3. I have had a love of OP-art for years. You've done a great job on this one...I especially love the quilt stitching lines, drawing your eye to the center and back out, over and over again. Nice work!

  4. What an eyecatching piece! I am a fan of black and white fabric which has the ability to immediately demand your attention. The feel of this piece is very calming to me because of the horizontal lines in it. It still evokes a lot of movement without being overwhelmingly busy. The quilting does a wonderful job of leading the eye out to the border and then back in again. You have a wonderful piece here.


  5. Love the graphic quilt design.


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