Friday, August 31, 2012


Just after I read the challenge I found, in my grandma home, this old chalk drawing made by my mom:

I can remember it being framed and hung in my room when I was a child, so it has a meaning to me, and since the desgn seemed to fit with the challenge I've decided to convert it in a quilt.

And then I've named it "catseye" because you can't name a group of cats ... every single cat is sure to be the center of the world :)

I've fused the blue and yellow confetti and the cats using commercial cotton, the threada are poly and rayon..
It's 15x9 inches and I think I'll frame it :)

The only doubt I have is about the blue/yellow part of the catseye... I wonder if it could benefit by a dark satin-stitch to enhance the blue/yellow edge. But I'm afraid that this could visually darken the right half of the work lowering the calue contrast with the purple cat.

what would you suggest?

Thank you!


  1. Your statement that "Every single cat is sure to be the center of the world" got an immediate belly laugh from me! If it weren't so long, that should be the title of the piece.

    Wonderful repetition of the eye in particular, but I also like the whiskers and the circles. I wouldn't change a thing; more contraston the right would pull attention away from the cats.

  2. Absolutely MARVELOUS! I think it is wonderful that you happened upon this drawing by your Mother. It certainly fits the challenge. Your sewing is amazing.

  3. great contrast. I feel any more would detract rather than add. I agree your sewing is wonderful.

    Pat Havey

  4. Hi Tobi, Ann and Pat, thank you for your comments and appreciation, I'm happy you like my quilt and stitches :)
    Finally I'll keep your suggestion and I'll let it as it is, so now I only need a frame.

    Thank you!

  5. What a great way to preserve your mom's artwork. I like the repetition of the bullseye as it plays against the cats. Like the others, I wouldn't change a thing.

  6. What a fun piece!
    Love your mom's design and your interpretation as a quilt.

  7. Thank you again for your comments.
    Since I published this piece on my blog and FB I've had 3 potential buyers asking for it, but I think it would be more "right" if I'll give it to my mom, I know she will hang it in her office :)

  8. Nice job, Sylvia. I love the round pattern....I was wondering, do you have a glass marble (the game kind, not the kind you carve)called a "cats-eye" in Italy? I am not sure if the cats-eye marbles we played with translate into Italian, but if not, I thought the round-ness really made me think of the marble which works in with your cats.

    Nice tribute to your mom. I hope she really enjoys it.

  9. Nice job, Sylvia. I love the round pattern....I was wondering, do you have a glass marble (the game kind, not the kind you carve)called a "cats-eye" in Italy? I am not sure if the cats-eye marbles we played with translate into Italian, but if not, I thought the round-ness really made me think of the marble which works in with your cats.

    Nice tribute to your mom. I hope she really enjoys it.


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