Friday, August 31, 2012

Stacking the Deck

Two novelty decks of cards were used for this quilt. One deck had Saddam Hussein, his sons and other Iraqi players and the other deck had members of the Bush Administration. Playing with the cards made me revisit "Shock and Awe” and other the Iraqi War Games.


  1. This is an interesting use of embellishments, Meena. The pathway is visually exciting, and I really like your use of camouflage fabric. Good job!

  2. This is a very intriguing piece, and very original! Who would have thought of using these in an art piece. I like the interesting pattern/layout of the cards along with the background.

  3. I wish I could see this in 3-D -- it looks like the cards are standing up from the background, but I can see that they are stitched down! Maybe a dark thread to edge the card backs would have brought out that they are separate cards.

  4. Brilliant concept! I love how the chamo fabric makes it sort of look like Arabic writing!


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