Sunday, September 16, 2012

A Leap of Leaping Leopards

I'm usual...but at least I've finally been able to complete one! YAY!  I originally intended to do a school of fish with a design that I developed during Elizabeth Barton's Quilt University class, "Inspired to Design."  Although it wasn't terribly original in the first place, when Ann Ruthsdottir posted hers, I decided to scrap it.

Instead, I chose to do this Leap of Leopards....and of course they had to be leaping!  It measures 9 1/4" square.  The sun or moon.....I can't decide which I want it to be, is stitched around with a spiral in yellow pearl cotton.  Machine quilted with a yellow/green rayon in the body, and the sky is a blue done in a swirl pattern.


  1. Lisa

    This has everything - diagonal movement, complementary colours, negative space. And lovely stitching and a fun design! Well executed and well done!

  2. A Leap of Leopards -- very nice! I find myself looking more at the texture of the grass than the leopards, though, and feel it would be improved if you do more to outline the leopard shapes.

  3. I thought so too, Tobi. I am restricted in my fabric choices as I am presently in Montana.....but, I had thought to add a little white bit to the underbellies which should bring the attention back. I'm going to put it on a background of the same fabric as the grass, and have the half leopard leap out of the background onto the border.


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