Saturday, September 08, 2012

A Passle of Poseys and a Bevy of Buttons

A church group asked me to teach a class on Cathedral Window Quilts. I needed a sample, so I created this little quilt that measures 8.5" square. Several years ago I made a whole cathedral quilt completely using hand stitching, but I wanted to teach the group a quicker method, so I did this sample all by machine. It only took about an hour to make as opposed to several hours if stitching by hand. I think it also meets the challenge requirement of using a grouping of things--buttons and flowers.


  1. great answer to the challange. Your cathedral windows re wonderful. What technique did you use?

    Pat Havey

  2. I love Cathedral windows. This is very bright and cheery. I also appreciate that you are answering 2 challenges at once. That is about the only way I can 'catch up'.

  3. Beautiful. Classic the use of the buttons draws the eye to thw fabulous job of quilting! Great work:)


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