Friday, September 07, 2012

A Friendly Family of Five Fabulous Fish

A Friendly Family of Five Fabulous Fish
Frequently Travel with Two Terrific Tag-a-longs
36" x 47"

A Friendly Family of Five Fabulous Fish
Frequently Travel with Two Terrific Tag-a-longs
36" x 47"

When the Fast Friday Fabric Challenge came out = a group of something, I got this fish idea.

Since I am very behind in my charity quilts, I wanted to 'catch up'. I also have a 'guild summer challenge due September 13'.  This quilt serves all of those purposes. I would really like to know the age and sex of the person who picks this quilt. It is very unlikely that this will happen. I just hope it makes the recipient smile.  It was a LOT of FUN to make.

Because I am thinking it may be washed a lot, everything is faced and stitched down tight. There are NO raw edges, loose threads of anything that might 'wash out'.


  1. It really does show when you've had fun doing a piece. The simplicity of the fish shape is great.

  2. any age would love this. Simplicity is definately something I need to learn to achieve. Good job.

    Pat Havey

  3. Too cute for words! The 3Dfish would be a tactile delight to anyone, especially a small child.

  4. If it will goes to a child he will be totally happy :) It's simple but fun to see. I Like it!


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