Sunday, October 07, 2012

Cygnus Loopy Bird

Hi everyone! This is my first posting for the Fast Friday Fabric Challenges! I loved the theme and was inspired by Marilyn Foulke's Louis the Loopy bird from Louisville piece.

Loopiland is a large planet and has more than one species of fowl on it. I was able to capture a 'picture' of this bird-like creature called a Cygnus Loop-y Bird:

The Cygnus Loop-y Bird has a loopy crest and tail that are remarkably like tee-shirt strips! It's long beak can suck out food from deep underground. They are a flightless bird but can walk very fast until their five legs trip them up.

The 'picture' of this odd bird measures 4x6 inches in size and will be shipped off to Houston for further inspection. I hear it will be then donated to a worthy cause there, to raise money for "Friends for Life" a pet rescue organization.

Thank you for allowing me into the group! This was a lot of fun and I love how I will be able to help out a pet here on earth too!


  1. Totally delightful!!!

    I love your bird, and your combination of batiks! Welcome to the group!

    Marilyn Foulke

  2. He's adorable, and I love your name choice! These are all so cute I wish they could all be seen in one place.

  3. Love the sense of whimsy. Wasn't this a fun and inspiring challenge?! I really enjoyed it.

    You were able to accomplish so much in a small space. Good job!

    Robert Hartley

  4. What a fun and imaginative piece! Love your color choices, and the clever bird with 5 legs. The blue stitching/quilting adds a sense of luminosity to the piece and contrasts nicely with the darker green border. What a terrific idea of submitting this to IQF for the pet rescue fundraising effort, and I have no doubt it will find a wonderful home. Great job Sherri!

  5. Your bitty quilt is adorable. Very creative and the flow is excellent! Plus you are donating to help animals. Great job:)

  6. Love the extra legs and googly eyes!

  7. What a lot of detail for a postcard! A fun whimsical bird, going for a good cause.

  8. what a fun piece and going for a good cause. Wish I had the foresight to kill two birds with one stone. Oops!

  9. Thank you everyone! It was such a fun project and I love whimsey!


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