Saturday, October 06, 2012

Melvin, the Spotted, Ridgebacked, Fuzzy Headed Pigasus!

As our space ship begins it's descent to planet Loopiland, I glanced out the window to see this wondrous creature waiting to welcome us! It seems that because Loopiland is mainly water, many of the mammals who live there have evolved to fly as a means of getting around.

The ridges on his back are made from felt, his hair is red and purple yarn which was fuzzed using a cat brush, his tail is a pipe cleaner and his wings are part of a pair of fairy wings I got in the costume section at Dollar Tree. I had a lot of fun creating Melvin. There was a companion piece to go with him planned but I ran out of


  1. What a cutie Melvin is! Good job!

  2. This is a delightful creature! It seems like this challenge has brought out the whimsy in many of us!

  3. Love the CREATIVITY! This suree brings a smile.

  4. How fun! Loopiland is really turning out to be a place of incredible creatures. The wings and hair are great fun!

    Robert Hartley

  5. What a cute creature Melvin is, and I love his hair! Fuzzing the yarn was a great idea. He looks like he's ready to take-off any moment. Can't you just imagine him buzzing around? Great job Cathy!

  6. Very original - Melvin is very charming. Planet Loopiland is ready to go :)

  7. Thanks everyone! When I had him outside to take his photo it was very windy and his wings kept moving..I was telling him "No Melvin! You need to stay grounded until I take your photo! LOL"

  8. A creative use of varied materials - I know from experience that creating a 3D critter is a challenge in itself.


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