Tuesday, January 01, 2013

7 Cranes

I have always heard that 7 is a lucky number.  I choose cranes to represent this number because in legend the crane symbolizes joy and happiness. Greek and Roman myths equate the dance of cranes as a love of joy and a celebration of life. The crane was also considered to be a bird of Apollo, the sun god, who heralded in Spring and light. Now with the days growing longer, who better to celebrate with than the cranes.  Size 9 x 11 inches.
A border was added to give this more color. The compass is to guide the cranes on their journey and to add a focal point.  The inner border includes the words "Are we there yet" to tell the story of their long journey north and south.  Comments welcome.


  1. What F U N this challenge is. Love the background. Yes, cranes are a wonderful image.

    Great challenge!

  2. You cranes seem to be going some place important. They seem quite purposeful and orderly!

  3. Locw the composition in the quilt.

  4. Cranesare my favorite. Good Job!

    Pat Havey

  5. While I understand the concept and appreciate your compostion,I think your quilt lacks visual interest. What if you were to add a pieced border, or some stitched detail to the cranes? Or maybe they could be anchored with shadows or some basic threadwork? All are constructive points to consider.

  6. Thank you all for your comments. Thank you Ann for your constructive points too. I have been struggling with the lack of interest issue too, and will revisit this. You gave me just the push I needed.

  7. Great job Linda! The changes you've made have really made a difference. Your piece now has a message and a purpose. The compass gives the eye a place to rest before beginning the journey of the cranes.

  8. You are definitely there with the addition of the border and the compass, which fits right in with the quilting lines you used. The red of the border nicely brings out the red in the compass.


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