Wednesday, January 02, 2013


After reading the numerology sites, I discovered my soul number is 1 and my personality number is 3.  This is auspicious because I have lived for nearly 40 years with a home address of 13.  So, this is my tribute to 13, done with paint sticks and a stencil.  The black thread quilting copies the swirls, although you probably can't see it.  Thanks for a fun challenge to start the new year- 2013!


  1. I got goose bumps just reading your numer reasons. This is a quilt you were destined to make. You just didn't know it until this challenge came out. GREAT job!

    I grow soo sooo much through this group. I feel so lucky to be a part of this excitement.

  2. I love the colors and the way that your design reimburses the border design. Very nice work!

  3. I should have signed the above comment since I forgot that I was signed in under FFFC. Pam Clark

  4. Love the colors and swirls, too.

  5. The swirls make my eyes dance. Love the colors

    Pat Havey

  6. What I find exciting about your quilt is the black print border. The angular swirls are a perfect complement to the central motifs.

  7. I agree that the border goes well with the quilt; the border contains the energy of the swirls. I also like the sheen that the swirls have, and the careful balance of colors.


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