Saturday, January 05, 2013


Three seems to be an ongoing number  recurring in my life.  Three husbands, three children, three homes and 13 grandchildren as well as three major job changes.  In my astrological numbers 3 is prevalent followed by 6 and 9 so I decided to use three for this piece.  The leaves are a commercial stencil overlaid with sparkle tulle and thread traced.  the background is hand dyed fabric.  It measures 15 x 27".  The sheer look of the leaves represents the amorphous. quality of life.  Thank you for a good challenge.


  1. ABSOLUTELY GORGEOUS! This is indeed a work of art worthy of a show entry. I just wish I could see more detail.

  2. Well done - the layer of tulle helps to create an unearthly quality.

  3. Wonderful treatment of the leaves - I love the stippling and the gentle pastels of the panels.

  4. Very nice quilting job. What was your thought process in the organization of the leaf units?


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