Sunday, January 06, 2013

"Zero My!"

None of the numerology numbers that came up for me...'felt' right.  So, I got to thinking about how I like circles (with beginnings and endings that are seamless) and that you can easily cut out the center of a circle to get the number zero.  That is what this piece is about.  It is definitely out-of-the-box for me....not square, even, or finished with a binding, and not the normal batting and backing material (even though there is a sandwich).  Note the title too:  Zero My! (instead of Oh My!).  For as strange as this is, I like it.


  1. Wow! Such a simple piece, yet so much style! I love the organic feel that the colors and shapes lend, and the wonkiness is perfect. We often tend to forget that zero is a number and you have done a great job in depicting zeroes.

  2. Absolutely unique. Very F U N piece.

  3. A piece after my own heart, getting away from the strictly rectangular. It makes me wonder if it is made to hang at just that angle -- very nice!

  4. Love your struggle with the number thing...boy can I relate. I love the texture you used on this piece and the dangly wire bits.


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