Thursday, February 28, 2013

A Cart of Geraniums

A Cart of Geraniums for Sharon

8 x 10 mat      5 x 7 thread painted

It's been a long time since I've been able to complete a challenge for FFFC.

The minute I read the challenge I knew that if there was any way possible to get something done I would.

I love to take photographs of windows and doors.  This photo taken in France, has both.  It also has geraniums, which I love.

I printed the photo on fabric and then thread painted various sections of the piece.

I have a friend who is going through a lot at the moment.  I am going to send it to her in hopes that it will brighten her day.


  1. It looks like a charming scene. I'd like to go there! With the entries for this challenge, my interest is now piqued for thread painting on printed pictures! Thanks for sharing.

    Robert Hartley

  2. This is a really nice piece. I really like the vibrancy of the flowers against the more monotone background. Would you consider adding some beading to the flowers to add a little more dimension and another texture? I am sure that your friend will be very happy to be the recipient of this great piece.

  3. Marilyn, I am so happy that this challenge resonated with you. You rocked it! I love the vibrant color of the flowers against the sepia tones of the photo. I am noticing the good contrast between the darks and the lights. I am sure this would brighten anyone's day!

  4. I too love those geraniums. That photo and the way you chose to cut the view, thread paint, and highlight, really does evoke a French street scene. If you are going again, would you like a companion?

  5. Maybe more than one companion?

  6. Love the geraniums, too.

  7. An effective use of thread-painting on the photo, though I would like to have a bit more indication of the windows and door. It looks like a tranquil scene.


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